Improve Chronic Pain with Quality Sleep


Improve Chronic Pain with Quality Sleep Research has shown that there is an interrelation between sleep and chronic pain. Lack of enough sleep or poor sleep is the main contributor to chronic pain. On the other hand, pain also disrupts our sleep. This is to say that when your body is in pain, you will [...]

Improve Chronic Pain with Quality Sleep2020-07-06T19:46:10+00:00

Ergonomics at Home During Covid


Ergonomics at Home during COVID Since the emergence of the coronavirus pandemic, many people and businesses have shifted their operations. Most companies are closed and many people do not show up at work because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This has resulted to many people from all over the world, working from home. The pandemic has [...]

Ergonomics at Home During Covid2020-07-06T19:45:28+00:00

Better Nutrition for Weight Loss and Health


Better Nutrition for Weight Loss and Health Diet is a term that is used to refer to a change in nutrition for the purpose of obtaining a desired end results. The end result can either be losing weight or maintaining your current weight. Well some people work well with diet whereas others never obtain their [...]

Better Nutrition for Weight Loss and Health2020-07-06T19:45:20+00:00

Tips for Staying Injury Free this Summer


Tips for Staying Injury Free this summer The year 2020 started on a rough note with the existence of the Coronavirus, changing the normalcy of the world. Most of the people are looking forward to summer seasons as there is possibility of normalcy being restored. There have been increase in recreational activities such as ballparks [...]

Tips for Staying Injury Free this Summer2020-07-06T19:49:07+00:00

Cervicogenic Headache Explained


Cervicogenic Headache Explained Ever feel the pain moving from your neck to the head. The slowly descending pain can be a source of huge distress that can hamper your day to day activities. This pain is called the cervicogenic headache and it is usually a constant ache or dull feeling that sometimes worsens with intensity. [...]

Cervicogenic Headache Explained2020-06-01T20:21:47+00:00
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