Improve Chronic Pain with Quality Sleep
Research has shown that there is an interrelation between sleep and chronic pain. Lack of enough sleep or poor sleep is the main contributor to chronic pain. On the other hand, pain also disrupts our sleep. This is to say that when your body is in pain, you will not sleep as well as when your body is painless. Almost two-thirds of individuals who suffer from chronic pain experience sleeplessness most of the time. One has the impact on the other, and this makes the cycle very difficult to break. Good news is that there are steps that you can take to ease up the symptoms and break the cycle.
The steps below help in improving one’s health in various ways. Treating back or chronic pain depends on how sever the pain is and how long has it lasted. There are different treatment plans for different people and this is why you should consult with the doctor first, before getting into any treatment plan. However, there are steps that you can take immediately to help in improving sleep and reducing pain.
- Avid stimulants for better sleep
Stimulants such as soda and coffee have a direct impact on our sleep. Taking coffee or soda close to bedtime can keep you awake for long hours, and if you have to sit or rest your back during these hours, you will experience some back pain afterwards. Research has proven that not only does stimulants make it difficult to sleep, but it also distorts one’s sleeping pattern. This means that you can catch a few hours of sleep but you will wake up feeling not rested enough. The results of lack of sleep can be seen on the next day when you are feeling tired and run down that you cannot go about your normal duties.
- Sleep in a Comfortable Environment
An uncomfortable sleep comes as a result of sleeping on the wrong mattress, pillow, and blanket among other factors. Having an uncomfortable sleep is one of the factors that lead to chronic pains. Make sure that everything you are using for your sleep is optimized and is as comfortable as possible to promote quality sleep. In addition to that, the temperature of the room for sleeping and the lighting also have great effects on the quality of sleep. Ensure that both the temperature and the lighting are warm and conducive, allowing you have a proper sleep. We all have at one point fell asleep while watching TV. Watching TV or carrying your laptop to see a movie in the bedroom should be avoided at all costs. Keep the room as dark as possible or even wear an eye mask to keep the room temperature and lighting comfortable for you. This guarantees quality sleep.
- Have a bedtime routine
Most parents start training their kids to have bedtime routines as early as possible. They know that when it reaches 8pm or 9pm, the child should be in bed sleeping. Most of these children who are raised up with bedtime routines grow up to follow the same sleep patterns. Another thing with bedtime routines is that once you get used to it, you will automatically fall asleep when it is your sleeping time. A relaxing routine is essential in helping reduce stress hormone cortisol. This in turn helps the body to know when it is time to wind down and rest. All you have to do is to identify that one thing that helps you feel at ease the most, whether it is meditation, a long bath, reading or other activities.
- Practice Yoga daily
Yoga is a therapy that deals with both the mind and the body. The physical forces and rhythmic breathing help in reducing chronic pain and improving sleep. In addition to that, you can also try meditating when taking yoga lessons as it is one of the greatest ways to stay calm and enhance sleep quality. However, do not pick anyone randomly to help you through the yoga. Look for a licensed yoga instructor who will train you according to your endurance level and the underlying condition that is causing the back pain. Once you have mastered the yoga possess, you can do them at home and whenever you feel pain or any discomfort, it is important that you talk to your yoga instructor about the situation at hand.
- Eat an early supper
Make it a habit of eating supper at least four hours before your bed time. This is because when you eat if you are almost going to bed, you are likely to have indigestion problems while trying to sleep. If you had a busy day and the only time you have to eat is late at night then avoid late night snack such as pizzas. Pizza is a greasy and heavy food which is going to take longer to digest properly, and before digestion takes place, you will have difficulties getting sleep. You can opt for an apple, almonds or a banana when it is past your eating period.
If you are already suffering from chronic pain, then not having enough sleep is just worsening the problem. As a result, having a peaceful and adequate rest at night helps in restoring abilities which in turn help in rejuvenating the body to undergo a healing process. Therefore, following the above tips are important in ensuring that you have quality sleep. However, if you follow the above guidelines and you are still having difficulties sleeping then a chiropractor might help with appropriate solutions.
- Talking evening walks
Talking a short walk in the evening when the sun has set is one of the best ways to improve quality of sleep. This is a form of physical exercise that keeps the body active to aid in the normal functioning of different organs in the body. If you prefer minimal exercises and you have chronic pain, then taking an evening walk is the best solution for relieving the pain and promoting better sleep.