Why you should see a Chiropractor for Fibromyalgia relief


Why you should see a Chiropractor for Fibromyalgia relief Chiropractors focus mainly on well-being, health and stress management. Chiropractors adopt the use of gentle movements to the spine, to remove subluxations. However, as a fibromyalgia patient, before you settle on getting a massage, consult with the physician prior to the massage. Only patients who have [...]

Why you should see a Chiropractor for Fibromyalgia relief2020-07-06T19:44:40+00:00

Rehabilitating the Back after a Spinal Surgery


Rehabilitating the Back after a Spinal Surgery Spinal surgeries can be a long and painful. The extreme pain you feel before and after the surgery require special attention from a professional. However, operating the spine does not mean that the problem will go away, like it does in other injuries and conditions. After a faulty [...]

Rehabilitating the Back after a Spinal Surgery2020-06-01T20:24:21+00:00

Introduction to Chiropractic Examination


Introduction to Chiropractic Examination Although many people are aware of the job of a chiropractor, not many are aware of how a chiropractic exam is conducted. There are a lot of myths surrounding the exam, and the lack of information means that the people end up believing in these myths. A chiropractic exam is similar [...]

Introduction to Chiropractic Examination2020-06-01T20:23:37+00:00

How to Diagnose Neck and Back Pain


How to Diagnose Neck and Back Pain Neck and back pain is a common occurrence today, thanks to our busy routines and improper work-life balance. While on some occasions the pain comes and goes by itself, there are instances when the pain increases with time. This silent pain ends up hampering the routine and results [...]

How to Diagnose Neck and Back Pain2020-06-01T20:24:03+00:00

Spinal Compression Fractures


A Detailed Explanation of Spinal Compression Fractures A spinal compression fracture is an injury to the spine. It occurs when a part or the complete vertebrae is fractured and collapses. This type of injury is most common in the thoracic spine. There are several causes associated with spinal compression: Osteoporotic disease: It can lead to [...]

Spinal Compression Fractures2020-03-16T17:07:04+00:00

Herniated Disc


Herniated Upper Disc and its Signs and Symptoms The spine supports our back and gives us the ability to be upright. It is normally made up of thirty three vertebrae where the lower nine are fused in the sacrum and coccyx region. The twenty four upper un-fused vertebrae are separated from each other by 12 [...]

Herniated Disc2020-03-16T17:07:22+00:00

Muscle Relaxants


Muscle Relaxants and Their Use in Managing Back Pain Muscle relaxants are a group of drugs that are used to treat muscle spasms, which are sudden involuntary contractions of a muscle. They help relieve pain and can increase the mobility of the affected muscle. They work by the inhibition of signals related to pain in [...]

Muscle Relaxants2020-03-16T17:07:17+00:00

The Relation Between Bad Walking and Sciatica


The Relation Between Bad Walking and Sciatica: Explained It is the little things that build up over time to cause big effects; many small ripples create a wave. We often don’t realize that things that we do not pay much attention to in our lives such as our posture while sitting or the way we [...]

The Relation Between Bad Walking and Sciatica2020-03-06T22:12:17+00:00
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